Salty Bet

· 05.26.2014 · etc

Salty Bet

Salty Bet, or "Salty's Dream Cast Casino!", is an entertainment where an enormous collection of pop-culture-and-then-some computer-controlled fighters brawl it out to the mad shouting of the Twitch chat. You can bet on which character will win using the valueless "Salty Bucks" and accumulate a fortune of them, or gamble your way to destitute and fight your way back up from the "salt mines" (i.e. you get at 10 Salty Buck bailout when you go broke).

The system is built on the MUGEN fighting game engine and the characters are contributed by the community. I like to imagine that it's a training ground for the perfect fighting AI.

Salty Bet

I would love to see more open-ended community-driven games like this. Inside jokes and memes will be immortalized as characters within the game. I'm sure they'll all end up as ridiculous pop-culture mush but it would be fresh in different gaming genres.