Log: 5/14/2021

· 05.14.2021 · log

This week: This week was very busy so I didn't have much time to read. In addition to an uptick in work obligations we spent most of our spare time uprooting as much knotweed as we could. Throughout the process I very much appreciated how useful my trowel was, which I used mostly as a lever and not as a shovel. In that spirit I have a few selections of interesting agriculture tools/equipment (for harvest specifically).

Mussel harvester

Carrot harvester

Olive harvester

This kind of violent mechanical vibration is common, and the idea that the most efficient way to harvest from a tree is to just shake the shit out of it is kind of funny:

Walnut harvester

For olive trees I've also seen these weed-whacker-like devices used:

Olive shaker

There's also this gnarly looking machine:

Olive lateral canopy shaker

There's a whole YouTube microgenre for mechanized harvesters:

Ag machine YouTube

Hand tools are way more interesting:

Blueberry rake

Some kind of super-scythe?

As a bonus, I was shared this CDC document on farmer ergonomics (h/t Eli). It includes not only advice on movements that reduce repetitive stress injuries but also equipment like the berry rake above and this harvest cart:

Harvest cart